Digital Code of conduct for education institutes
10 points of
þ Don’t
discriminate or criticize.
Don’t use offensive language.
Do not provide strangers with another user’s
personal details without permission - keep it relevant and professional.
Treat people the same way as you want to be
treated, as you would face-to-face.
Respect the time of others and do not abuse the
power you have – use it correctly and be forgiving.
Share expert knowledge; offer answers and help
others where you can.
Make yourself look good online and avoid wasting
time with unnecessary comments and questions, lastly, avoid posting
confidential information about yourself.
Respect other people privacy and don’t
interfere other people work.
Always think before you write something online
and post.
þ Share
information with others effectively.
How to enforce and
manage this in my business?
would manage this in my business by creating a confirmation letter for everyone
to sign and confirm that they have read and understand the code
of conduct and the set procedures and anyone who fails to apply and
follow the code of conduct will face the punishment penalty and will have to
go over through the procedure of hearing.
Enforce and Manage
Each individual will be given this Code of Conduct to read through, sign and
return to the head of the education institute.
If failure to meet the Code of Conduct occurs, they will be given their signed
Code of Conduct to read over again. Depending on the action, the necessary
repercussions will be taken.
Penalties for
Anyone who communicates inappropriately through messaging will be given a
verbal warning. If it happens again he/she will receive a written warning. If
the action is seen as harassment, it could lead to a court case or termination.
If anyone fails to adhere to the amount of document sharing, especially if they
are non-work related, connection to the internet will be terminated.
Anyone with an issue helping someone less experienced online will be suspended
for non-compliance to teamwork.
If anyone’s personal information is shared without permission, that person will
be labelled ‘un-trustworthy’ and may be expelled.
the Net: Your Online Guide. Netiquette. [Online]. < >
[Accessed on: 11 October 2016].
University. Digital Citizenship: Netiquette. [Online]. < >
[Accessed on: 11 October 2016].
The Independent Institute of Education. 2016.
Digital Citizenship Module Manual, pp.89-90. Johannesburg: Unpublished.
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