Monday, 24 October 2016

References {POE}


Philip, J. 2013. Issues surrounding Digital Divide access in South Africa. < > Accessed on: 11 October 2016. 2016. Meet Homo Naledi. Online. < > [Accessed on: 17 October 2016].

EWN Online 2016. Who was Homo Naledi? <

Lee, B. 2015. Homo Naledi. Available:< http:// > Accessed on: 17 October 2016.

Skinner. 2014. Risks and benefits of social technologies. Online. < > [Accessed on: 11 October 2016]

Learn the Net: Your Online Guide. Netiquette. [Online]. < > [Accessed on: 11 October 2016].

Auburn University. Digital Citizenship: Netiquette. [Online]. < > [Accessed on: 11 October 2016]. 

The Independent Institute of Education. 2016. Digital Citizenship Module Manual, pp.89-90. Johannesburg: Unpublished.

Skinner. 2016. The potential impacts of Digital Technology on Society. Online. < > [Accessed on: 11 October 2016]

Thomson, R. 2015. Digital Security. < > Accessed on: 19 October 2016

Question 8: Digital Health and Well Being {POE}

Creating a "Board and Pins" of at least 15 topics related to Digital Health.

Question 7: Digital Security {POE}

How users, enabled hackers obtain to the details more easily by providing known companies with our data and an overview how they can be avoided or mitigated.

2015’s to five (5) cybersecurity risks in South Africa

Hackers are able to exploit certain security flaws in the coding, in order to benefit themselves or for personal satisfaction. Hackers create systems such as:

1.    Phishing scams

Email phishing is a common web hacking technique. Hackers send mass emails which legitimately appear to be from bank or a payment, which requires one to very their account information.

Adware which creates an advert by using your previously viewed sites. This can also be linked with spyware which can memorize your password and a hacker can abuse this system.

2.    Password hacking

One of the easiest way to fall into a trap of being hacked, is when simply failing to change their password which can elapse between 30-60 days. Bots are created by hackers to distribute malware or even crack passwords.

3.    Downloading free software's

By downloading free software’s, you are potentially put your business at risks to malicious viruses or malware. This can link to ransomware which is created to corrupt and encrypt your files so you can't access them unless certain procedures are followed.

4.    Buffer overflow

Hackers use techniques to gain access to customers’ information using online forms. Modern subscription-based cloud security services have been put to help identity and avoid such attacks. However, even the rootkits are able to remotely control your device and thus can prove an incredibly useful tool to hackers.

5.    Fault injection

This technique involves hackers whom search ways to infiltrate one source and code to try inputting different code in an attempt to crash the system and this can cause viruses which is able to spread at an incredible rapid rate and corrupt your hard-drive.

An overview how they can be avoided or mitigated;

According to Thomson, 2015 stated that; the risks can be avoided first by installing anti-virus software's and update them weekly, they could also avoid these risks by securing their network connection, personal information and making use of strong passwords.

Users are able to avoid hackers by:
ë  Not downloading any unlicensed files.
ë  Use antimalware software which reduces the risk of any malware being downloaded.
ë  Password inscriptions which will make it harder for hackers to acquire your password.
ë  Deleting all browser cookies which will reduce the amount of information spyware is able to acquire if your device does get infected.
ë  Don't give out personal information by giving out personal information hackers are able to work out passwords and other information.

Question 6: Digital Law {POE}

Online Poster

Question 5: Digital Rights and Responsibilities {POE}

Thing-link image that representing the role of Digital Rights and Responsibilities for society, business and education.

Digital Rights and Responsibilities are the "privileges and freedom extended to all digital technology users, and the behavioral expectations that come with them" (Module Manual, 2016, p.95).

With every right there is also a responsibility. We may have the right to freedom of speech, but in turn it is our duty to use this responsibly. Digital Rights and Responsibilities is having the right and freedom to use all types of digital technology while using this technology it has to be in an acceptable and appropriate manner.


Question 4: Digital Etiquette {POE}

Digital Code of conduct for education institutes

10 points of netiquette

þ  Don’t discriminate or criticize.

þ  Don’t use offensive language.

þ  Do not provide strangers with another user’s personal details without permission - keep it relevant and professional.

þ  Treat people the same way as you want to be treated, as you would face-to-face.

þ  Respect the time of others and do not abuse the power you have – use it correctly and be forgiving.

þ  Share expert knowledge; offer answers and help others where you can.

þ  Make yourself look good online and avoid wasting time with unnecessary comments and questions, lastly, avoid posting confidential information about yourself.

þ  Respect other people privacy and don’t interfere other people work.

þ  Always think before you write something online and post.

þ  Share information with others effectively.

How to enforce and manage this in my business?
I would manage this in my business by creating a confirmation letter for everyone to sign and confirm that they have read and understand the code of conduct and the set procedures and anyone who fails to apply and follow the code of conduct will face the punishment penalty and will have to go over through the procedure of hearing.

Enforce and Manage
• Each individual will be given this Code of Conduct to read through, sign and return to the head of the education institute.

• If failure to meet the Code of Conduct occurs, they will be given their signed Code of Conduct to read over again. Depending on the action, the necessary repercussions will be taken.

Penalties for Non-compliance
• Anyone who communicates inappropriately through messaging will be given a verbal warning. If it happens again he/she will receive a written warning. If the action is seen as harassment, it could lead to a court case or termination.

• If anyone fails to adhere to the amount of document sharing, especially if they are non-work related, connection to the internet will be terminated.

• Anyone with an issue helping someone less experienced online will be suspended for non-compliance to teamwork.
• If anyone’s personal information is shared without permission, that person will be labelled ‘un-trustworthy’ and may be expelled.

Learn the Net: Your Online Guide. Netiquette. [Online]. < > [Accessed on: 11 October 2016].

Auburn University. Digital Citizenship: Netiquette. [Online]. < > [Accessed on: 11 October 2016]. 

The Independent Institute of Education. 2016. Digital Citizenship Module Manual, pp.89-90. Johannesburg: Unpublished.

Question 3: Digital Communication and Fluencies {POE}

The social economy: Unlocking value through social technologies, in this post outline the benefits and risks of social technologies for individuals, corporates and communities, however, the focus is on South Africa.

The social economy

Social Technologies refers to applying the used technologies for specific purposes especially social ones: to ease social procedures via social software and social hardware which might include the use of computers and information technology for governmental procedures.

Benefits of social technologies for individuals, corporate and communities
For individuals to benefit they will be able to send messages and by doing this they will be quickly connected, however, individuals will not lose out on any communication.
The space that they share allows cooperate to co-create content, coordinate joint projects and tasks. People work best and in full potential when they are in groups, sharing ideologies and allowing people build on each other’s ideas.

ë  Individuals and communities can connect with others and communicate effectively.

ë  Individuals and communities can share information as well as to access internet any-time and anywhere.

ë  Corporates can connect with their employees and communicate effectively, therefore they can also connect with their customers and share information.

ë  Corporates can increase their level of advertising and popularity of the business and sell their products and services online as an improvement of productivity by attracting new customers.

The benefit for communities is that communication has improved as modern technology has broadened the channels used in communication which can be video chat or electronic mail so this means the South African economy in communities can be able to communicate with friends and family located far away and can even Skype which is easy and people will communicate better.

Risk of social technologies for individuals, corporate and communities

The risk of social technologies for individuals corporate and communities is that South Africa will be faced with the increase in unemployment and also the world description weapons and will also face competency, risk of social technologies to communicate using Facebook people should be careful as to what they post online on their profiles. The risk of this is that when people get your personal information they might use it to stalk the person which may cause harm to the person.

ë  Giving out personal details could be a huge risk.

ë  People could use your personal information to commit crime and fraud.

ë  Connecting and communicating with people you don't know could be risky and dangerous.

ë  Management tools must be out in place to reduce the risks.

ë  Security tools must be put in place passwords and encryption of important data and information to avoid risks.